
I have two poop-eating dogs.  Reba does it 'naturally', so to speak.
Always has, always will.  Unfortunately, I think Gus learned it from
her.  He didn't used to, but now does.

It does not bother them; they have never been ill from it.  It bothers
both me and my husband tremendously.

Because it bothers us, I have done a *huge* amount of reading.  My
conclusion after research is that it is not a behaviour that can be
changed (much) but only managed.

I am unwilling to change their body chemistry by feeding them something
to make the poop they produce unattractive.  They'll only find other
poopsicles to eat on off-leash romps (and I don't like that many other
people don't pick up after their dogs!!! Thank you so much, lazy
people!) and I am not willing to deny them their off-leash exercise.  So
I pick up every deposit they make *immediately.*  I have taught them
both "leave it!" and that works sometimes, and others not.

The primary management technique at our house is to refuse kisses, to
use "leave it," and to try to just get over our humancentric disgust

So very sorry,
Patricia McIlveen (Yeoman, Reba & Gus)
Calgary, AB Canada

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