--- Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
>                           BERNER-L Digest 4229
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) RE: Florida Vet Conference
>       by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel"
>   2) Baypaths Oberon V. Tallpines
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   3) re: eating poop
>       by Lisa Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) RE: eating poop
>       by Patricia McIlveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) Re: Suckling Pup
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   6) RE: suckling pup
>       by "Laura Lopez Mendez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) Colonel in Wisconsin
>       by "Lorece Aitken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   8) Re: is my dog neurotic?
>       by barb wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) Re: BERNER-L digest 4227
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  10) colonitis update and meds reaction question
>       by "Carol Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ATTACHMENT part 2.1 message/rfc822 
> From: "Pat Long & Paul Dangel"
> Subject: RE: Florida Vet Conference
> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 20:17:14 -0500
> Posted in plain text for Andrea, please reply to her
> at
> Hi all,
>        To the vets, vet techs and other vet staff
> out there, Chris and I
> are headed to the North American Vet Conference in
> Orlando, Florida on
> Friday.  Are any other Berner lovers going to be
> there that would like
> to get together?  We will be there from Friday 1/17
> and leaving early on
> Thurs. 1/23.  
> Cheers,
> Andrea Stefanac
> & Chance CD NDD CGC TT
> Richmond, VA

> ATTACHMENT part 2.2 message/rfc822 
> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 20:46:16 EST
> Subject: Baypaths Oberon V. Tallpines
> We said good bye to our beloved Oberon today.
> Baypaths Oberon V Tallpines, 
> January 25, 1993-January 14, 2003. We are very sad
> as he was the foundation 
> of our family. An amazing guy, he touched the lives
> of everyone he met, and 
> made strangers smile on the street. We miss him. We
> will always love him. He 
> reminds us what is important in our lives.
> Ann Lee and Stuart Fuller  

> ATTACHMENT part 2.3 message/rfc822 
> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 17:53:51 -0800
> Subject: re: eating poop
> From: Lisa Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: berner-l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> one of the breed columns in this month's gazette is
> about a poop-eating dog.
> one thing that has worked for us to keep the dogs
> out of the kitty roca is
> to feed the cats forbid.  this is a powder you can
> order or get from your
> vet to make the feces taste bad. it's supposed to
> work if your dog eats dog
> poo, but only if all of the poo he is exposed to
> tastes of forbid.
> ...and of course for every nasty tasting item, there
> is some dog who regards
> it as a gourmet treat.
> lisa baldwin 
> (dickens, bark & zel)
> seattle, wa

> ATTACHMENT part 2.4 message/rfc822 
> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 19:30:05 -0700
> From: Patricia McIlveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: eating poop
> To: 'berner-l' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> All,
> I have two poop-eating dogs.  Reba does it
> 'naturally', so to speak.
> Always has, always will.  Unfortunately, I think Gus
> learned it from
> her.  He didn't used to, but now does.
> It does not bother them; they have never been ill
> from it.  It bothers
> both me and my husband tremendously.
> Because it bothers us, I have done a *huge* amount
> of reading.  My
> conclusion after research is that it is not a
> behaviour that can be
> changed (much) but only managed.
> I am unwilling to change their body chemistry by
> feeding them something
> to make the poop they produce unattractive.  They'll
> only find other
> poopsicles to eat on off-leash romps (and I don't
> like that many other
> people don't pick up after their dogs!!! Thank you
> so much, lazy
> people!) and I am not willing to deny them their
> off-leash exercise.  So
> I pick up every deposit they make *immediately.*  I
> have taught them
> both "leave it!" and that works sometimes, and
> others not.
> The primary management technique at our house is to
> refuse kisses, to
> use "leave it," and to try to just get over our
> humancentric disgust
> (unsuccessfully).
> So very sorry,
> Patricia McIlveen (Yeoman, Reba & Gus)
> Calgary, AB Canada

> ATTACHMENT part 2.5 message/rfc822 
> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 22:09:58 EST
> Subject: Re: Suckling Pup
> In a message dated 1/13/2003 10:11:00 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, 
> << I have a 2 year old BARC rescue dog who has to
> suck on a pillow to fall
>  asleep.  He is about 100 pounds and the bigger the
> pillow the better.  I
>  have tried to figure out why he does this.  He was
> taken away from his mum
>  at about 3 weeks. (!!!!!)   >>
> I've had two from two different litters develop the
> habit of sucking on their 
> toys and getting that "we're in la-la land"
> expression.  Both were with their 
> moms and littermates for at least eight weeks, so I
> don't think it comes from 
> early separation.
> Maybe it's just a form of thumb sucking that
> comforts them.
> Carol Lingley
> Ijamsville, MD

> ATTACHMENT part 2.6 message/rfc822 
> From: "Laura Lopez Mendez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: suckling pup
> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 21:13:43 -0600
> Does anyone know of other breeds of dogs doing this?
> Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie
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