
Well, according to my notes from Purdue's Dogs! course, most dogs will outgrow this, but
the best way to stop it is to totally prevent it from happening. This takes time and all
chances to *indulge* must be avoided.
Along with management, a change in the dogs diet can help - sorry I'll have to look up
what to increase decrease, but it has to do with fibre and protein/fat. Be sure to consult your vet or your dog's breeder on diet before making diet changes.
Email me privately if you want the ratios that P.U. recommends. Sometimes, just a
change to a different food has helped.
They have had the best success with management so the dog never gets the reward.
Yes, it is rewarding in and of itself. Also, they say that many of the home remedies
(see Pat's post on previous messages) have not been proven effective but may be worth a try.
Finally, it is sometimes helpful for the owner to know that this behavior is normal in
some instances, and is harmless to the dog.
Good luck

Jill with Indie and Gabby (only pasture muffins for us, thanks)

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