Dear List,
Stevie continues to progress, slowly, but I see a difference in his appetite
today. The steroidal factor, I am sure, will soon kick in when his strength
increases and we will have to be careful with his weight. He is less shaky
getting to his feet but still pretty staggery, I do not want him to fall
reinjuring himself in any way so he is never any further than at arm's reach
from us. This morning, it is a bright sunny but cold day and when we got him
outside, and after his pee, he just wanted to lay in the snow. We hadn't
allowed him to do this until now, so there he was, in the snow with his
sling on and his tail slowly WAGGING!! Meanwhile, my sis and I are freezing.
Oh well, all for the sake of progress. We had many suggestions to
accommodate him through the day so that I could still get around the house
without him becoming anxious. A neighbour of ours brought a mechanics
trolley with locking wheels that he had covered with carpet for Stevie. So
we can lay him on that when he is tired and roll him into whatever room we
are going to be in. Right now he is on it by my side while I am at the
computer. I think that he kind of likes the ride!! H still sleeps a great
deal, about 22 out of 24 hours!! When he is awake, he just sort of watches
me. It is almost like he is waiting for something!! Thank you to all for
your continued support and kind words, they really mean alot to us. I have
only been able to reply back to a few, (my sis is trying to sort through
some of the notes for me on a priority basis) but I want you to know that we
appreciate each and every note, prayer and good wishes sent our way. I
really don't know how I can ever repay the kindnesses shown to us. Love to
you All
Karen and her "Sleeping Giant" Stevie
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