Dear List,
Well it is Friday night and I had to say good bye to my sister today.
Unfortunately she had to fly back home. I will miss her so much :(  Stevie's
spirits seem a bit low today, but he might have just absorbed that from me
as I was sad over my sister's leaving. Physically he is about the same,
still trying to get around but he still requires a fair amount of
assistance. It was suggested to me to try Bach's flower remedy for his mood.
I would just like to hear from any other listers who have had any experience
with this. The baby food ideas that we received were a blessing. He
absolutely adores it. We thin it out a bit with some warm homemade broth and
he just lays with me holding the bowl under his chin and laps it up until it
is gone. It is going to be an absolute shock to him when I start expecting
him to actually eat DOG FOOD!! Oh my!! His ear is giving him a fair amount
of problems and he is still shaking his head alot. If this does not subside
then I will call and/or bring him to the vet tomorrow and see what else can
be done for him. His hair continues to come out quite profusely, I hope that
it stops soon. They said that it  is trauma induced and should not be a
problem later on. I hope not, he had such a gorgeous coat since we started
giving him Omega 3 fatty acids in early December. (Thanks to this list!!) I
will update over the weekend. Love to All.
Karen and Stevie
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