Hi Alex,
I'm sure you'll have a lovely time looking at the dogs at Westminster and
you will see some lovely Bernese BUT...This is a very important show for
the exibitors and not necessarily the best time to approach a breeder with
a long list of questions. They are preoccupied with their dogs and totally
focussed on the show:-) Buy a catalogue and in the back will be the names
and addresses of the exibitors, if you tell this list the general area you
live in someone will be able to point you in the right direction for your
local Berner club and breeder referral and you can make contact with a
breeder at a more relaxed time:-)

If you do want to make actual contact at a show keep it brief and ask for a
card and/or present yours and let them know you appreciate they are busy
right now but when would be a good time to talk more.

Many people find breeders off-hand at shows without taking into
consideration that person's pre-occupation with the demands of the day:-)

Rose Tierney

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