Hi All,
For those of you that do not yet know, on Friday, the Toole County attorney
filed papers to retry the owners of the 170+ collies that were confiscated
at the Canada/Montana border.  I sent the attorney a letter suggesting that
they seat a jury of the owners' peers, i.e.. dog breeders, not cattle
ranchers, as well as a few other suggestions regarding genetic eye disorders
and how you don't need 170 malnourished breeding dogs to try to deal with

Those of us Montanans on these lists want you all to know that we are not a
bunch of redneck hicks.  So many have devoted months of time caring for
these poor dogs and raising money for their care.  We are embarrassed by the
outcome of the first trial and hope that your emails to the county attorney
will help with the new trial.  Keep up the good fight.  Email Mr. Raph at

Thank you,
Shelley Gonzales
Bigfork, MT

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