I'm so sorry to say that last night I had to put my big berner boy, Gunner,
down.  He and Mattie are now together.  It all happened so fast and, of
course, my husband is out of town too.

The day before I could tell Gunner didn't feel that well.  He sometimes had
days where he just wasn't 100%.  I'd give him a Rimadyl and he'd pop out of
it quickly.  Yesterday morning was one of those days.  I assume as usual
when I got home from work he'd be his old self happy to see me and run out
in the backyard to let everyone know he was there and play with Greta.  But
when I got home he had a look I had not seen before.  It just said "help
me".  He looked like he didn't feel at all well.

I immediately called my vet and they said bring him now. It was time for
them to close soon but they started checking as much out as possible.  They
took blood and tested it there, they brought the ultra sound machine over to
him and looked at his abdomen.  They just wanted to rule out what they
could.  His gums were very white.

The vet thought he saw something in his spleen.  He took blood from his
abdomen to see if it clot.  He thought a tumor of some kind burst.  He said
he wanted to go in right now.  He knew there was something going on with his
spleen and said he thought it needed to be removed.  He thought there could
be other tumors too or  but maybe there were none.

I'm only 4 or 5 minutes away and he told me to go home and he would call me
when they opened him up and let know before they do anything.  I knew if he
called back soon it was bad.  I had decided if it was just his spleen I
wanted him to remove it and let him heal, but if there was stuff all over I
would no make him live with it. I was getting ready to call my husband in
San Diego on business when the vet called.

It was bad.  He said there was a football size tumor throughout his abdomen
and attached to his back. He said he couldn't find one of Gunner's kidneys.
He thinks the tumor was in his kidney and eventually ruptured.  I wanted to
be there when they euthanized him so I ran back to the vet with Greta. I
wanted her to know.  I didn't want her to see Gunner walk out of the house
and not come back.  I wanted her to know Gunner was gone.  I cut some of his
fur and they did it.   My sweet Gunner is gone.

He was not the perfect Berner but he was so loved by us.  His temperament
was not the greatest, he stressed easily. He hated new experiences but loved
routine.  After taking him to classes for years and exposing him to new
things all the time I decided he was they way he was and I wasn't going to
change him.  Instead we did all we could to make his life as stressfree as
possible. Gunner was a happy dog, he loved us and was incredibly loyal to
us, probably to a fault. He was a big beautiful typey boy. He had a great
head and face that was so sweet.  He was very sensitive and worried about me
and Greta.  He was the caretaker and watchdog of the house.  He loved to
clean Greta's ears and face and she loved him doing it.  He loved to go for
rides and I took him on one everyday.  He had no interest in meeting new
people but loved to be with us.

He wasn't the perfect Berner but I wouldn't have given him up for anything.
He was funny without trying to be.  He thought he was a tough guy but when
he'd bark a muffled bark at the dog behind us with his stuffed pink flamingo
still in his mouth, he just didn't seem so tough.  A couple years ago when
we had work done on our house there were some workmen on a ladder that
Gunner saw through the window.  When he barked it scared the guy so much he
almost fell off the ladder.  Gunner's bark was loud and very deep, people
wondered what we had, they said it sounded like we had a bear.   The workmen
wanted to see him, but not up close.  I brought the tough dog Gunner out for
them and Gunner stood behind me and would peek around my legs. He definitely
wasn't as tough as his bark.

Rob and I accepted his faults and just dealt with it, I didn't care what
anyone else thought. I'm staying home with Greta today and as I think about
it I'm glad Gunner's not in anymore pain.  The weird thing is he would have
off days but didn't seem to be in a lot of pain.  I just hope to God he
wasn't so stoic that he didn't want to show how much pain he was in.  Two
days ago he was in the back running around and talking to the yellow lab
next door like he so often did.  I wish we knew more of what was in their
heads to know what to do for them.

Gunner always brought me something when I came home, he always had done this
and I'd thank him profusely. It was usually a toy, but could be a shoe
laying around or anything he could pick up.  One time when he was young he
scrambled all over to find me something but couldn't.  He went outside and
brought me a leaf.  I couldn't believe it and I will never forget that about
him.  I regret so much not keeping that leaf.

Gunner was so loved by us and will be so missed.  I'm glad he's with Mattie
who he truly loved.  I'm also glad I have Greta who keeps me very busy.
She's been quiet today and just stares at me.  I don't know if she
understands or not.  She has gotten to where she hugs me a lot and has
hugged me several times today. She's gone in and out several times, I think
she's looking for Gunner.

Gunner was 6 1/2 years old.  I so wanted him to be in the seniors Alpenhorn.
Berners are a heartbreak breed but I'd do it all over again.  The happiness
and love they bring is still worth it to me.

Kathy Schmitz, Woodstock, Georgia
Brighteye Meine Liebe "Greta" CGC
"Mattie" Matterhorn Princess CD, NA, CGC  and Gunner (in loving memory and
now together at the Rainbow Bridge)

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