OK: I have to 'brag' a little bit to the 'group'.  Things have finally 'settled' down 
from whelping our first litter naturally. We had one, two years ago through c-section. 
 It was a LONG day ...from noon to about 10pm.  But out of it 10 pups (Big ole 
bruisers) with 8 surviving...even had one in the tub when we thought they were all 
out....while we were cleaning Addy up...it suvived fine. Our vet was here and he got a 
'good chuckle' out of it.  I am amazed how this nature thing works.  And, I know you 
who are breeders for years know this, It's pretty much like the books show and say. Oh 
well, what do you expect from A MAN!!! But the buggers are now 6 days old and growing 
like crazy. Addy is being the best mom. All I have to do is make sure she gets water 
and food.  The c-section litter was totally different.  Oh in case you're wondering 5 
boys and 3 girls.
Now on a second note, does anyone know the berners that will shown at Westsminister 
Monday? Tried to find it different places to no avail.  Thanks..Bill Dunnavant Athens, 

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