Last night's news investigative report on Channel 7 Boston really shocked me. I consider myself rather savvy where the doings in the dog world are concerned but was not prepared for the terrible conditions that I witnessed which constitute the sad reality behind ALOT of these newspaper ads. That these people are so brazen and that so little is done to regulate such came as a bigger surprise to me than perhaps it should have.
Sure, I knew to be suspicious of newspaper ads...whom among who has been on the Internet does not, but Channel 7 should be complimented on doing a real eye-opening report on what is happening behind closed doors.
And, it is inconceivable to me that someone, anyone can treat another, particularly a dependent creature in this manner; really, it boggles my mind...Geez, I get worried/upset if one of mine even sneezes or appears not to be enjoying a toy that I just bought for them.
I studied the pet ads in today's paper with a more educated eye; it sickened me to read one that basically said something like "Puppies, big or small, we can get 'em all." Heaven help these poor dogs.
Lisa Allen

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