I have a 2 year old, male, neutered BMD with
aggression problems.  I have been reading this list
daily since August of last year.    I am devoted to my
dog and to working with his problems.   I wasn’t
entirely ignorant when I bought him and I don’t
believe I contributed to his aggression.  I do think I
could have done more, had I had the knowledge I have
now, to try to counter his fear and his aggression.  
I did take him to a dog trainer recommended by my vet.
I am at the point now where I would like to think
about getting another BMD.  I am passionate about this
breed and would ultimately like to get into showing. 
I am probably a long way off!  
I would like to ask if anyone has any idea as to how
frequently these aggression issues show up.  I
understand that you breeders remain in contact with
your puppies throughout their life so you must be
aware when/if at all these issues arise.
Would the odds be stacked against me if I were indeed
to take the risk of getting another BMD.  This has to
be a very serious concern for me because I cannot have
two aggressive dogs.  I do not have the strength to
contain two of them.  
It sounds absolute madness to want to take on another
dog when I have an aggressive animal so I must add
that Louis is not that bad.  We meet dogs every day,
he greets them in a friendly way, even plays with some
and we move on when I say.   He frightens visitors to
the house with his barking but does nothing and soon
goes quiet.  He lets people stroke him but I can see
he’s not really loving it.   Then he’ll meet a dog he
doesn’t like and lunge at it.  The ‘scrap’ is over in
seconds and he’s back at my side.  I’m not suggesting
here that the dogs make contact but certainly they are
both trying to.  This has only ever happened with a
dog that is aggressive anyway.   The trainer advised
that this was learnt behavior and he could be taught
how to react in a proper manner.   If I’m to believe
what people like Dr Meisterfield say then that is
indeed the case.  Are there really people out there
reading this list that have had aggressive dogs like
Louis who have been cured, or brought under total
control, however you want to describe it.  
On our walks in the mornings we invariably encounter
one, two or even three other BMD.  They are all very
friendly.  That gives me hope since we are living in
the very country Dr Malcolm Willis describes as having
had aggression problems with these dogs.  (Louis is
from Belgium).  
Sorry I have gone on so long here!  I am really
struggling with this issue.  I have the time,
dedication and money (no, I’m not rich) to give to my
animals.  All I need now is tons of knowledge!  I
would greatly appreciate any advice, even tell me I’m
crazy if you want (but I think I already know that) :)
My heart goes out to all those Berners struggling to
get well at the moment and here’s hoping we hear from
Karen McFarlane and Stevie soon!  My problems pale in
Rhona  (English) and Louis (Belgian)
With American husband and half and half kiddies 
Living in The Netherlands

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