Hi Lisa-Jayne,
When you refer to "messes" are you talking about urination or defaecating?

If urination then she needs to take her to the vet for a urinalysis, very
often a Urinary Tract Infection is the root cause for frequency of

If defaecating then she would be advise to take a stool sample into the
vet's for analysis for parasites. If the bowel movements are normal in
appearance then many factors need to be considered, if the puppy is fearful
or intimidated by the owner ie being told off then she is doing this for
pyschological reasons and your friend needs to back of from punishing her
and just praise when she goes in the right place and ignore all accidents.
If she appears to not know she is defaecating then she needs to be examined
by the vet for physical problems.

Generally housetraining is down to the owner and the biggest cause of
failure is lack of routine.

Hope this is helpful


-----Original Message-----
Sent: February 12, 2003 6:04 AM
Subject: Re: BERNER-L digest 4267

Hi everyone,

I have a friend who has a rotti that is almost 6 months old and not even
close to being house trained, as training our BMD was really easy  I have
out of suggestions for her to try.

Does anyone have any advice they could share with her. She has tried taking
it out every hour on the hour but it just comes back in and when she turns
her back it messes. It crys continously when put outside, even if she is
standing with it. It is impossible to leave it alone in the garden for the
whimping and crying noises it makes.

I am no expert on these things and have never had to deal with anything
this so therefore am completely useless and can not offer her any help. She
has tried buying a book with suggestions but still nothing is working, it
seems that the dog just isn't interested in learning no matter what. She
be told off and while my friend is cleaning up one room will go straight to
another room and mess.

My friend could pop out for 5 minutes and while gone Bailey will off messed
everywhere, even if she has just gone previously. As she is due to have a
baby shortly it is getting a bit much for her. I have even tried having her
at mine hoping she would learn from my girl but still messes which leaves
girl not slightly impressed.

Any advice and Help would greatly be appreciated.

Lisa-Jayne Kerray
Kent, England.

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