----- Original Message -----
From: "Beverly Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Can anyone give me an idea of the % adult weight an unneutered male should
> have obtained by 10 months?  Han's weight has been hanging between 83 and
> pounds since December.
> Just wondering....

Nope. No one can tell you that, because it all depends on a large number of
variables. Size of parents, typical growth in that line, the dog's own
growth style, nutrition and exercise . . . My Micawber sprinted to about 85
lbs at 8 or 9 months. Now at 4 yrs old he is generally about 89 lbs,
although the vet and I would like another 10 lbs on his frame (he is SKINNY)
that is what his body seems to want to weigh so we give him all the healthy
food he'll eat and don't worry about it. I limit intake on my other dogs, I
push food on Mic.

Too thin is better for long term health than too fat. If you put your hands
on him and can feel his ribs with a very light press, you are probably ok.

Here is a good check system:
**Take your hand. Hold it out flat, palm down. Take your other hand and lay
it on your knuckles. This is what a dog in proper condition should feel

**Make a fist. Feel your knuckles. This is what a dog which is too thin
feels like.

**Now, open your hand again and turn it over, palm up. Feel your knuckles
through your hand. This is what a fat dog feels like.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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