>>Our female Berner "KYLA" is 4 months old and will soon have to be spayed.
>>heard that some vet just tie tubes and others take out the uterus...and
>>seems to be very drastic to me. I would apreciate to get some opinions
>>those procedures!
>>Annelise Wagner-Klein

Hola Annelise!
The purpose of spaying a girl (ovariohysterectomy (OVH)), which implies the
removal of the uterus and ovaries; is basically to suppress all ovarian
hormonal activity. This way, a girl won't be in heat, won't get accidentally
pregnant, will greatly reduce the risk of mammary glands tumors, eliminate
the risk of pyometra and uterus and ovarian cancer and most likely, have the
chance of living a longer, healthier life Ü.

"Tying" the tubes only prevents pregnancy...and not always. This is not an
acceptable procedure for most vets. Both surgeries last approximately the
same time, recovery time is the same, cuts are the same, but the benefit for
your girl and your family is not the same! At the hospital I work this is a
banned surgery, even if it means that the client goes to another vet who'd
agree on "tying only" ;-).

Hope this helps!
Belly rubs for Kyla Ü
Laura and the MexGang
Ravel, Abby and our AngelDogs, Normann and Baxter

Laura Lopez-Mendez, DVM
Mexico City

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