I was wondering if anyone has any experience with bladder infections or urinary tract infections?

My girl Tulie, started peeing blood today, then there was blood clots in the urine. She had to go very frequently, feeling the urge, but not going much. I got her right into the vet.

The vet is doing a urinalisis, and a complete blood panel, the results will not be in until tomorrow, but I am a nervous wreck and worried mom now.

Tulie was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma last July. She is currently doing fine. Her temp. was normal today, and heart sounded great. The Vet palpated her abdomen and didn't feel anything. Tulie has not gotten into anything like poison. She ate a normal meal at breakfast and dinner, barks when someone comes to the door, and is very alert and normal in every other aspect.

I am hoping for the normal, but fearing the worst. Any advice would be appreciated.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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