We have 3 Berners right now -- this fall we took in those 2 older girls
that Doug mentioned, but as some of you may recall, Canoe bloated and we
lost her. Jenny (9 yrs and going strong!) has adjusted well and we are a
big happy family - mom, dad, toddler, 3 dogs and 2 cats. Sometimes I
wish that we only had one dog/cat because of the expense/time/training
etc. involved in having multiples. But, I can't imagine going back to
that. On bad days, I can curl up with 3 dogs and just rest between their
warm bodies and relax. The "pack dynamics" are fascinating to watch.
And, I have "built-in" distractions for my dogs to work with. I can work
one dog on a Stay while Heeling with the  other one. And I've found that
our very shy, super-sensitive rescue, Shadow, benefits from being part
of a larger canine group. When we had all 4 I could use "pack dynamics"
to encourage him to venture out into parts of our property that were
scary to him. He would go along, I guess because he figured that if the
other dogs were okay with it, it was probably safe.

Others  have already listed pros and cons and helpful tips for adding
dogs to the group. I would say that having added both rescues and a pup
to the group that it is of the utmost importance to take temperament
into consideration. All dogs go through adjustments when the group
makeup changes, but these can be helped by knowing your dogs and
choosing a suitable newcomer.

Catherine Young
Madison WI
Shadow, Mickey & Jenny

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