If anyone has any info on this or has had a
> berner that has gone thru this please let me know.

Dear Stephanie,

I am so sorry.  I am going through the same thing with
my almost 2 year old male that I rescued 6 months ago.
 We love him so much, and it is so hard.  My boy had 4
seizures in one day, two weeks ago.  The night before
he had stolen 2 sticks of butter that were on the
counter, softening so I could make cookies.  Then...
last week he had 3 seizures in one day.  The afternoon
before we had made homemade soft pretzels and he did
have at least one.  My gut feeling is that he reacted
to salt, but.... not sure yet.   With him, he had 4
seizures within 18 hours the first time and a week
later 3 seizures in about a 12 hour period.  My other
Berner was fine with the same amount of pretzels,
so.... maybe this boy is just reacting to the salt????
 As I understand it...seizures are fairly uncommon in

I'm taking my buddy to the vet on Tuesday. I'm sure
he'll want to do blood tests, xrays, urinalysis, etc. 
But.... at least with him.... the seizures were so
many, so close together that it makes me think it is
something he ingested.  And... since I was off of work
and know exactly what he did and when, I'm thinking
that salt is the culprit.  

It is so hard to watch, and so awful to be totally
helpless.   Please...make sure you keep a log of time,
duration, what you can remember that might have lead
up to it in the previous 24 hours, what she was doing
when she had one....etc.  Anything and everything you
can think of.  Then... if there is a pattern it will
help the vet.

There are so, so many things that can cause seizures. 
So... don't jump to the worst conclusions!   I know it
is hard, and I will be thinking of you.  Please let me
know what your vet thinks.  :)   Oh yeah.... might be
a good idea just to notify the breeder.  They may have
some insight, and at the very least will want the
information as they do future breedings.

Thinking of you and Emm....

down the Jersey shore

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