Hi Diana,

You did not say how old Fidelio is, and age plays into the diet as well as epilepsy. 
My BooBoo is
almost 10 years old therefore, he is a little less active requiring a maintenance 
diet.  The only
supplement I give is Chrondroctin/Glycosamine and I give this to all my dogs.  Studies 
have shown
that some types of epilepsy respond to vitamin B6.  Also, a deficiency of B6 or an 
interference with
its function can cause seizure activity.  I feed Solid Golds Holistic Blendz dry 
kibble to BooBoo. 
I feed twice a day; a light meal of kibble in the morning; and a dinner consisting of 
cooked meat
(chicken, fish or beef) mixed with carrots, beans, potatoes and/or squash and yogurt.  
I only feed
fresh, washed vegetables and fruits, not canned or frozen which may have added salt, 
sugars or
preservatives.  Once a week I treat meals with a hard boiled egg and a sardine. Dogs 
treats are
homemade liver cookies.  

The following may help you make a determination on whether or not to proceed with an 
MRI:  There are
two types of epilepsy: Primary epilepsy: also known as idiopathic, genetic, inherited, 
or true
epilepsy. There are no positive diagnostic findings that will substantiate the 
diagnosis of Primary
epilepsy.  It is a case of ruling out other possibilities.  And Secondary epilepsy 
referring to
seizures for which a cause can be determined, i.e..: Toxic (lead, arsenic), infectious 
encephalitis), traumatic (acute injury), metabolic (hypoglycemia, cardiovascular 
Studies in Switzerland at the University of Berne show that Idiopathic Epilepsy has a 
recessive mode of inheritance in the BMD.  The diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy is 
based upon the
clinical signs and ruling out other known causes of seizures through neurological 
laboratory tests, computed tomography (CT) scans and MRI scans to examine the skull 
and brain.  When
the results of the examinations and tests have been analyzed, one of three conclusions 
are drawn: a
definitive diagnosis, a potential cause of seizures requiring further tests to 
confirm, or no
suggestion of a cause. - U of OH.

The most dramatic improvement in BooBoo was seen when the use of pesticides (i.e. 
heart worm, flea &
tick, fertilizer) was eliminated and his vaccination schedule was changed to a minimal 
program.   It
was almost a given for BooBoo to seize shortly after his annual booster vaccine.  His 
last seizure
was two weeks after a rabies vaccination.  Annual checking of titer levels has 
replaced BooBoos
annual vaccination schedule.  Changing a vaccination program is not usually a topic of 
between dog owner and vet.   Annual vaccinations are considered to be part of a 
standard, baseline,
health care program for all dogs.  But not all dogs are the same.  Since birth BooBoo 
has battled
allergies as well as epilepsy.  Back then a holistic diet was never suggested by my 
vet nor was a
minimal vaccination program and discontinuing the use of heart worm and flea/tick 
preventatives was
absolutely frowned upon.  My current veterinarian has been supportive of my 
suggestions from the
beginning of our relationship, yet, another vet, in the same office, looks down her 
nose at me for
not "protecting" my dog.  For an article on considerations in designing a safe 
vaccination program
go to: http://www.ivis.org/advances/Infect_Dis_Carmichael/schultz/chapter_frm.asp?LA= 
.  Avis is
also a great website regarding canine health in general.

This is just my opinion and what has worked for me over the years.   Good luck to you 
and Fidelio
and keep the 'L' posted on his diagnosis.

Subject: Curious....I too have a Berner who has had siezures....
From: Diana Gerba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 08:07:07 -0800
Hello Denise,

I'm glad to hear that BooBoo is doing well.  This epilepsy thing is a hard
one.  My boy, Fidelio has had three siezures all about a minute to a minute
in ahalf in length.  . .  My vet (neurologist) does not want to start him on drugs 
yet... we are
talking about doing an MRI...but I'm not sure if we'd really learn anything. . . . .
On my side I've been investigating doing a home diet for him.

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