At 12:01 AM 23/02/2003 -0600, Catherine wrote:
Since I'm still waiting for my 2 yr old Berner's brains to arrive via
UPS I'll pass on the "when are they mature" question.

For those of you anxiously awaiting their Berner's brain to arrive - make sure the UPS man knows where you live!
When we moved house, we forgot to inform them of a change of address. As a result, Boris's brains got sent back to the depot and somehow got lost, never to be found.
Boris will be 5 this year and we still live in hope that they will be found and re-routed in time for this birthday but we're not holding our breath!

As a little aside, Boris took his CGN (Canine Good Neighbour) test on Friday. Well, he nearly passed. He was a very good boy and he charmed the helpers. He got 11 ticks out of 12 which was very good! But, he decided that as it was a hall with lots of other dogs and lots of treats being handed out on the sidelines then he was at a dog training class and it was okay to perform for food. Fair assumption on his part. One part of the test was that he should sit still while the tester approached me and greeted me. He should not approach, jump up and mug her. Well he didn't. Not really. The tester greeted me, offered her hand and I shook it. Boris decided that he should do the same. He stood up, and offered his paw.
Now to go and reprimand the person in our household who taught him that a paw-swipe is the appropriate way to ask for treats. Could have been worse, he could have greeted her with the famous bernese nose-poke.


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

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