Jake recently turned two years old. Since he isn't
only my first Berner but my first dog, we attended
puppy kindergarten when he was 3 1/2 months old,
followed by private obedience lessons. He was too
young for a group class that started before the summer
and I didn't want to wait an extra three months for
the next group (he would've been 8 months old by that
time). Even though I was told to purchase a training
collar, our instructor assured me that they use
"positive" training methods ... petting and verbal
praise for obedience.

By the time Jake was 10 months, we had "graduated" to
a pinch collar simply because, if he decided to plant
himself to investigate a bush, a stop sign, etc, I
just couldn't get him in motion again with the
training collar. Despite the fact that I know I did
not give frequent and firm corrections (I had no
desire to hurt him to demand obedience), Jake received
his diplomas for on- and off-leash obedience in
January 2001.

Jake is 100% reliable in the house (I've given up on
his recurring toilet paper fetish) and in the backyard
and is pretty good with moderate distractions outside
"our territory".

Even though over-all I am quite happy with Jake's
obedience, there is room for improvement. With all the
rave reviews that clicker training has received on the
List, I made an impulse buy on the weekend and picked
up a clicker. My question is: now what?

Do we go back to basics, clicking and rewarding (with
treats) the sits, etc so that he starts to associate
the click with the treat? Or should I just use the
clicker for new tricks? Or should I just wait and use
it from Day 1 with my next Berner?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Maureen Barry
Montreal, Quebec

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