Hi everyone

My Madchen turns seven today! Her birthday, however, comes with a recent 
diagnosis of Malignant Histiocytosis. 
On Friday, February 14, Madchen began fussing about the food she would eat. 
On Sunday, February 16, I took her to the ER vets after she vomited a bit of 
bile mixed with blood. The ER vet did an xray -- which showed an enlarged 
spleen and abnormal lungs--and blood panel which came back normal except for 
her RBC. Mae was anemic.
On Wednesday, February 19, Madchen had an ultrasound that revealed two large 
tumors on her spleen. She had a splenectomy on Friday the 21st. Pre-op 
bloodwork showed a decline in RBC and a urinalysis came back normal.
Pathology of her spleen showed no malignancy! Both tumors (one was 9cm) 
Madchen did not bounce back from her surgery and has since been back to the 
vets twice for CBC and more xray views. Madchen's lungs show evidence of 
abnormal areas and her breathing has become slightly raspy. Reticulocyte test 
was normal. Her anemia has worsened. Madchen has no fever, no more vomiting, 
and is pottying normally. She has lost 9 pounds already and has almost no 
appetite still. Occasionally she will eat a cookie or two and a plain 
McDonalds burger.
The vet who did Madchen's splenectomy sees a lot of Berners (and he did his 
internship at UC Davis) , although mostly for orthopedic surgeries. His 
diagnosis is Malignant Histiocytosis. Our attending vet has never personally 
seen a Berner with MH and is frustrated that there appears to be no 
noninvasive way to test Madchen ante-mortem. 
Madchen will have her staples removed on Thursday, another CBC, and will 
start on Prednisone. Currently she is on Cephalexin post surgical. I am still 
awaiting results of more bloodwork (I don't remember which test--I think my 
brain shut off when I heard "MH" )
We are taking one day at a time here. It is difficult watching her turn down 
all the foods she loves.
Special thanks to Jean Bridge, Madchen's breeder, who has phoned me every day 
since Madchen became ill, and the members of the BMDCNV, and Pat Long, and 
Laura Lopez Mendez who have given me information and support.

Ellen Barnaby

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