Dear Kenny,
I also live in a townhouse and backyard isn't even
fenced.  We have put up a dog run but that is barely
sufficient.  My dog, Smokey, is now 11 months (closing
in on a year in just a few weeks) and he is pretty
well adjusted to the situation.  Something important
to consider is that you need to be really willing to
take your dog out no matter what.  I live in New
Jersey and this winter has been snowy, cold and
terrible.  Regardless smokey always, every single day
rain or shine gets at least one long walk and 1 hour
of off leash play time in a suitable place (often our
dog park--which is privately owned so has many fewer
of the problems of dog parks discussed previously). 
It is just important to keep in mind that especially
when they are puppies, dogs need a good deal of

Other than that, I think it sounds like BMD is your
kind of dog.  Smokey is pretty vocal but not a
constant barker.  He more barks to communicate (He has
a log of different "barks" he can make to say all
kinds of things).  This is a lot of fur, but I find
that regular brushing makes the furriness of the house
quite tolerable--but I do quite often find fur in my
food, etc.

Good luck with everything and drop a line so we know
how things are going--okay?

Radha (and Smokey)
Princeton, NJ

From: "Kenneth L Babcock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List"
Subject: To Berner or not to Berner?? 
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 22:11:09 -0500 

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Greetings to all the expert Owners of Bernese Mt.

    My name is Kenny and I reciently fell in love with
the BMD!  I am
seriously considering,,  I mean I'd love to
own a BMD!! However 
have a few concerns:
Shedding/is my home large
enough/temperment/barking/and will the breed 
into my lifestyle?

I live in a 3 floor townhome with a fenced in back
yard (20' X35"),
hopefully daily walks and the small yard will please
the breed? Last 
week I
dog sitted my sisters 70Lb. Golden Retriever to
experience life with a 
dog (although 20 or 30Lbs < a Berner). The first two
days were 
difficult in
that he was heavly shedding and the hair was a
nusance! However I 
seemed to
adjust by day three and just vacummed and brushed
daily! By the end of 
week I and my family were attached to this beautiful
dog. "Bernie" 
our home with a special warmth and love with his laid
back temperment. 
He is
missed, as he went home 3 days ago and my children,
(3boys, 20,12,9) 
him greatly. I'm told the berners are similar in
temperment to the 
Finally barking, neighbors have a Sheltie and a
besicon that are cronic
barkers and is quite unplesant at times! I prefer a
controlled to
non-existent barker. You may ask, why not get a
Golden? I just loved 
look and size of the BMD!!!!
I met a few breeders and found one I am comfertable
with. I met her and 
BMD's and loved playing with all of them.
I guess I'm seeking advice or reassurance that my home
and lifestyle 
accomidate a Berner.

Thanks for any possible advice!

Kenny B.

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