I wanted to add a little to this topic.

Smokey is my first BMD.  His breeder, Rui Rosa, was a
very, very kind man who not only trusted me with this
wonderful puppy but also trusted me given that I am
only 22 and was just starting out.  I assured him that
I had the money, space, and love for a berner and he
was uncertain and interviewed me carefully.  To be
honest, the extra care he took in meeting me, getting
to know me, and making sure I was worthy of getting
one of his dogs made me certain that this was a
breeder who I wanted to get my dog from. Smokey is the
light of my life.  When I first joined the list,
before I had Smokey I would always think how odd it
was all these people calling their dogs their
soulmates, children, etc.  Don't get me wrong, I grew
up with dogs, I LOVE them.  They are part of my family
and always have been.  But the kind of love and
connection I have with Smokey is unlike that of any
other animal I have ever met (save perhaps my pony
when I was a child but that's a story for another
day).  Smokey is indeed a dog that I am thankful for

The point is that even though it was hard to convince
Rui to trust me, it was worth it.  And winning that
trust I believe was an important part of what got me
to Smokey.  So for those on the list who are waiting
for their puppies, have had a long difficult trip to
getting their dogs, or are frustrated with these crazy
breeders and their zillions of questions and concerns
about your fitness as an owner know this: it was worth
it.  Shortly after getting Smokey, a friend gave me a
little plaque that says "My goal is to be as wonderful
as my dog thinks I am".  Sometimes I think that is
could say as "as my dog's breeder thinks I am". So
thanks Rui and to all the breeders out there who work
so hard to place their dogs.

Radha and Smokey 

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