Hi Melissa,
 I hope you had Loki's urine checked again and possibly a culture done.
UTI's can be particularly stubborn and sometimes a longer course of
medication with a specific antibiotic is required.

Rather than crate her in the event she still has some infection continuing
I would restrict her to a room with a washable floor and set down some
papers. You can talk to your vet about giving her cranberry extract
capsules for a while to acidify her urine if that is needed but don't use
methiodine as it can cause other problems in the young dog.

Do not restrict her water intake either.

Rose T.

-----Original Message-----
From: Melissa Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: March 1, 2003 7:46 PM
Subject: Help!

Loki is a 7 month spayed female. We also have a 2 1/2 yo neutered

Here's our situation. Loki was seemingly potty trained as of about a
month ago. We had stopped crating her altogether and she and Griffin
seemed to be doing well together during the day. All of a sudden she
started peeing everywhere. Naturally, we took her immediately to the
vets and she had a urinary tract infection.  The constant peeing cleared
up within a day of being on antibiotics.

She just finished her antibiotics yesturday. Since being on the
medication, she has consistently had 1 accident everyday in the
afternoon. She doesn't do it in the same spot either. It is important to
note that we come home everyday during the week for lunch and let the
dogs do their business and play a bit.

My husband and I were wondering if we should start to crate her again to
curb this peeing in the afternoon thing. She is almost 70 lbs and a
little urine for is looks a lot like a lake. I'm getting really
concerned that she is regressing in potty training since her infection.

What do you all think would be the best course of action? Do you think
there is some other medical problem? If so, what might that be? My
husband thinks that I tend to over-react about our dogs' health(he's
right), so I like to have input before I worry my self into a frenzy.

Thanks in advance!

Bernerly yours,
Melissa, Loki, and Griffin (Portland, OR)

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