In a message dated 3/4/03 1:45:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< As a relative newbie to Berner-dom, can someone tell me what all these
 abbreviations stand for?  It's all alphabet soup to me. :p  Also, which
 ones (if any) of these titles can a dog still compete for, after he's been
 neutered?   >>

Hi Alex~ All these titles can be confusing, but this list came my way the 
other day and I thought it cute and worth sharing.  If you aren't already 
totally confused, here are a few more abbreviations to memorize... Enjoy!

Not all of these are titles are ones that dogs have earned, but they are
titles that _are available_ for those dogs that work hard enough to
earn them!

AD (attention deficit)
ARB (ace refrigerator bandit)
BW (butt wagger)
CC (cat - courser)
CP (couch potato)
CPX (couch potato excellent)
CSX (counter surfer extraordinaire)
GFIY (go fetch it yourself)
HHP (House Hold Pet)
IDDI (I didn't do it)
ILF (I like food)
ILLF (I like lots of food)
IWFF (I work for food)
LD (lap dog)
LDX (lap dog excellent)
OWTH (Oh, What The Heck)
TBF (thick but friendly)
TGS (terribly good snorer)
TGAN (terribly good at nothing)
TSIM (that seat is mine)
TTIM (that toy is mine)
UNCD (under the covers dog)
UNCDX (under the covers dog excellent)
WM (who me?) 

Helen Hollander, CPDT,CBC
The Educated Pup, LLC
Lawrence, NY
APDT # 5888P x12//03
"Be mindful that happiness is not based on possessions, power, or prestige, 
but on relationships with people you love and respect. "

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