Today Moses had his first "official" post-chemotherapy-amputation (bone cancer) appointment at Boston's Angell Memorial Animal Hospital.
This was a regular, scheduled appointment with his internal medicine specialist for an examination and plans for future cancer care/treatment. Moses recently had Xrays showing that his lungs are clear, extensive blood work, and an exam by a neurologist who deemed him quite intact in this regard.
At this point, Moses will be monitored closely with another appointment in several weeks or so and we shall gradually wean him off the Prednisone which was prescribed for his severe episode of pain several weeks ago. He is improving a little every day but his back still bothers him some when he is lifted. His Angell doctor is still not ruling out a possible spread of cancer to Moses' spine but we are not at the point yet where a bone scan, MRI, or CT scan is on the agenda and, to be frank, if the cancer has spread to the spine, there is nothing that I know that can be done to stop it.
Moses is a cooperative patient and a wonderful dog; his "joie de vie" is inspirational and contagious!
Lisa Allen

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