Hey all.

I've been lurking since last summer, ever since my wife and I were certain
that we were going to get a Berner. I have often thought of posting and
have enjoyed many threads in the list, so here goes nothing.

Deanna and I settled on Berners after many years of research, first with
Saints, then Leonbergers and finally Berners. We wanted a big dog, and the
temperament and looks of the Bernese settled it. I love Goldens as well
(they are the cutest puppies ever), but do agree that they are too common.
There are at least 8 in our immediate neighbourhood.

We brought Vandal home with us in September 2002, after many wonderful
visits and discussions with Rose Tierney. It was Rose's V litter, and after
Voodoo was poo-pooed by Rose, and Vog was rejected by my wife, we went with
Vandal. If you were to see the baseboards in the house you'd see he lived up
to his name. Thankfully the undesirable chewing has stopped, and Vandal has
become a wonderful companion. Nothing seems to bug him - he was easily
housetrained with the crate, he's wonderful in the car, he's friendly with
other dogs, kids and adults, and he has taken to obedience training very
nicely. We still have work to do, but he's only 8 months old.

We've made rush trips to the vet twice - once for PNOS (Paranoid New Owner
Syndrome) and once after he swallowed a sock (which seems to run in Rose's
lines - Vandal is definitely the son of Phoebe). We have PetPlan insurance
in Canada, which has been great - one-year's premiums and annual deductible
were almost covered in the sock-eating episode alone; his vaccinations,
microchip and routine dental/physicals are covered, as will his neutering.
We are glad that we will never have to make a health-related decision based
on cost, but only one what is best for him. I can't speak for the U.S., but
I would not even consider having a dog without insurance here.

While hair is everywhere, it bothers neither Deanna nor I. Regular brushing
helps, but only barely. Our biggest expense, as others have shared, is our
new PTS (Puppy Transportation System), which Toyota was quite happy to sell
to us. He's also the first living thing I've met who eats faster than I do.

I tell you, Vandal has added so much more than he's demanded. Even though I
am up every morning at 6:00, spend my lunch hour coming home every day for a
feeding, and have spent more time on my kitchen floor in the last 6 months
than I thought possible, it's always to be with a wonderful puppy who gives
unquestioning affection in return. As an added bonus, I have lost more than
20lbs from the daily walks, and I always have someone to listen to me
describe, in detail, all the curling shots I almost made.

Having read a lot of Berner-l email, I have come to two conclusions: 1)
thanks to this list, someone owned by a Berner is never in it alone; and 2)
hug your Berner every day.

Thanks, Rose, for trusting us with one of your pups, and Kenny - if YOU want
a dog, get a dog. If you want a great dog, get a Berner.

Mike, Deanna and Vandal.

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