
I am completely confused by your post! As the owner of the 12 Berners who
wrote a humorous post I don't see the connection with interview techniques
for puppy buyers.

I am not concerned whether someone is high or low on a perceived social
strata nor whether they live in a rented condo or a mansion. Providing they
have the love in their hearts and the resources to properly care for one of
my puppies I couldn't care a less whether or not they travel by bus or ride
in a Rolls Royce. I think this was the intent of Kathy's post.

I choose to live with my dogs and not house them in kennels, my choice, we
run a well thought out breeding program and enjoy the many friends we've
made with our puppy buyers. Why would my keeping 12 dogs somehow give you
the right to use me as an example of a breeder with no right to question
potential puppy owners? I live in furry mayhem not a dirty puppy mill!

Read the posts carefully next time and keep a perspective. Breeders are
placing out living creatures not selling inanimate objects and have every
right to ask whatever questions they choose just as the potential puppy
owner has the right to ask the breeder questions about their program and
walk away if they do not get the answers they require.

Rose Tierney

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