Hello, Listers-
I'm in need of input regarding obedience training (not for competition, at this point, 
just companion level) and a dog with symptomatic elbow dysplasia (diagnosed early, but 
not surgically "correctable")...
My 9 month old, Maddie, is generally a good and eager-to-please student. However, I'm 
having a very hard time getting her to do "downs" without food lures. She will sit 
every time, but stares at me blankly when told "down." She will only "down" when 
following a treat; the rest of the time she ignores me completely. I (and the 
trainer)am having a hard time determining if this is just stubborn adolescence or 
unwillingness to do something that's uncomfortable unless worthwhile food is the 
I try to avoid repeating any one exercise too much, avoid too many "tight turns", and 
am ever conscious of her elbows, but I'm finding it hard to differentiate between her 
stubbornness and what might be unwillingness to comply because of discomfort. 
Any advice/suggestions for working with a dog with this physical limitation would be 
with Maddie and Titan
Cranford, NJ

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