I have also seen Sherman in action , and am usually rolling on the floor
Even though I TRY not too ! Sherman is hysterical , much to the chagrin of
"mother" , LOL ! I'm wondering if maybe those of us that have had the
of watching his antics shouldn't start contributing to an entry fee fund for
poor Donna !               Give him a hug , Donna , he's priceless <BG>
Laurie Montoya

Pat Long wrote:
> I'm hoping that Donna Coffin will share her experiences at the Potomac
> Valley regional specialty last weekend. She competed in obedience with
> her Sherman - who always does it just his own special way. I'm always
> excited when I get the opportunity to watch the two of them, I know that
> Sherman loves to give us all a special treat - and he never fails! The
> hardest part is for the spectators to keep from laughing. We all knew,
> of course, that if we laughed - Donna would have an even bigger clown on
> her hands. >
> Sherman is just about the best! And I'm ever so glad that Donna
> continues to give us the opportunity to appreciate his special skills!
> > Auntie Donna, please tell us a story???

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