posted gleefully in plain text for Donna and Sherman

Open OB From Sherman's view point:

   The morning of March 8th, Mom got up early.  I knew we were going on a trip even 
though Mom tried to hide it.  She didn't want me to wake up Dad.  He was staying home 
and that means one thing to me.  Fun Time.  Boy, oh boy, Aunt Debbie finally got here 
and we left.  We rode for several hours before Mom slowed the car down and I could see 
some Berners, my kind of people.  Wow, am I going to have fun.  Hey, I know lots of 
these people and their Berner buddies.  Gotta visit, oh all right, we can walk around 
outside for a few minutes but then it's back inside to visit and enjoy.  What is Mom 
watching?  Oh, it's that obedience stuff.  I bet Mom thinks we can do it too, after 
all, I let her work real hard and I tried to teach her the right way to do this stuff. 
 Hey, look, puppies and I see Nick and there's another youngster I haven't met yet.  
OK, OK Mom, I'll pay attention. Honest!  Where is the red bag?  What?  You hid it.  
Well, and all too soon for me I must say it is our tu!
rn.  This will be just fine.  Look at all the Berners and their buddies sitting around 
the ring.  Aha a captive audience!

Now believe this, I really tried to be good for Mom.  Thank goodness, she finally took 
the leash off, now if she would just get rid of this blooming collar.  Oh well, you 
can't have everything.  Yeah, I know.  Pay attention!  Sherman heel.  Wait Mom stopped 
already, she's looking at me.  Well, I guess I can sit but she didn't wait.  She's 
saying heel already.  OK, we can do this.  Say, what's that there on the floor.  Oh, 
oh, we went by too fast.  I'll check it out later.  Oops, too fast again.  Now of all 
things, would you believe that Mom is telling the judge about the food on the floor.  
She shouldn't have worried, I was going to get it eventually.

Mom is ready again, I know, pay attention.  I smiled at Mom real nice, she said heel 
and off we went again.  Look, real people in here with us, I'll just wind myself 
around the first ones legs, then maybe she will pet me and if not then it is still the 
shortest way around.  Mom, don't go so fast.  Good you stopped and I guess I can sit 
and look good.  Here we go again.  I would really like to visit but Mom just keeps 
going.  About time she stopped again and I sat again.  Good, now Mom pets me but she 
doesn't sound real thrilled.  She actually asked me "what kind of heeling was that?" 
Then it is sit straight, stand, then stay while she walks away and the judge comes 
over to give me some pats. Strange though he doesn't say anything to me, just pats and 
walks away and then Mom comes back.  She's a little happier now and tells me to come 
over here with her.  That's Mom, giving orders again, but I can do that, then it's 
Sherman sit but that's fine and I give Mom a real big smile.  !
Whoops, now she wants me to stay here while she goes to the other side of the ring.  I 
hear Sherman come, so I start across the ring toward Mom.  What?  Down?  OK, time to 
collapse very slowly and comfortably to the floor, chin down, totally comfortable.  
This is great!  I'll just watch Mom for now. Then it's Sherman come.  I'm sure that 
was Mom but I really am comfortable, oh now it is the hand signal.  Nah, I think I'll 
just stay here.  "SHERMAN" means I better go to Mom right now but not too quick.  Time 
for more pets, strange sweet talk and back to the other side of the ring.  It's sit 
again and hey, that's my dumbbell that Mom has.  Yes, Mom I know you want my 
attention.  Mom threw the dumbbell, then she tells me to take it.  I go right out, 
look around, look at the dumbbell then at Mom and back at the dumbbell.  Wait!  I 
smell food.  Let me find it.  I know it is here somewhere, so nose to the ring mat I 
start to search and I know I can find it.  Now I hear SHERMAN COME.!
  I guess I better go, as now someone took the dumbbell and the food is gone.

What do you mean we're doing this again?  Isn't once enough?  All right, sit, smile 
pretty, then Mom tosses the dumbbell and again she says take it.  Naturally being a 
very obedient Berner, I go right to the dumbbell.  Wait, what's that over there on my 
left.  Wow, that Berner puppy is sure having a good time.  What else is going on, who 
else is here?  Let me check out the floor.  Oh, there is that stupid dumbbell.  HELLO! 
I'm supposed to pick it up.  I do, then put it back down.  Oh no, now I hear SHERMAN 
TAKE IT.  OK, pick it up and take it to Mom, stop a short distance in front of her 
then spit it out at her.  Oooo, she's not smiling, she is pointing at the dumbbell.  
OK pick it up, come closer then spit it out again.  Now she tells me "you know better 
than that."  What do you mean we are not done yet?  You want what? Me to come over 
there with you?  Yeah, I can do that and even show a little enthusiasm.  Boy, can I 
fool Mom but at least she is smiling so I'll smile back wh!
ile she tells me to wait and throws the dumbbell again and it lands somewhere behind 
those tall boards.  Mom says "hup" and I go very nicely over the boards to the 
dumbbell and pick it up.  Wait, people are watching, put the dumbbell down and look 
around.  Now who is that over there? 
 How about the other side?  Where did Nick go?  What?  Oh, that's Mom again.  I know, 
I know, take it, back over the boards and spit it at Mom again.  Mom pets me and tells 
me we have just one more to do.  I sure hope she knows what she is talking about!  Now 
we are in front of these boards on the floor and Mom is saying "YOU ARE going to do 
this."  I smile and think Yeah right!  Mom leaves, stands near the boards and very 
nicely says "Sherman jump."  OK, get up, move toward the boards.  Hey, look! They are 
placed perfectly for me.  I can step very nicely in between the boards without 
touching them and get to Mom where I sit and then finish very nicely.  I must have 
really done a good job, Mom is petting me and saying thank you to the judge.  PS I 
think Mom forgot about the sit and down thing.  No, she didn't.  Here we go back in 
the ring with the other dogs.  We all sit, are told to stay and watch our people leave 
the ring.  I'm giving Mom a break.  When she looks back at me,!
 I'm still sitting.  I know that made her happy.  I can't see her now so it is time to 
get comfortable and lay down resting my chin on the floor.  Here they come back to us 
and Mom is telling me to sit and that I didn't do a very good job but she just can't 
make up her mind because now she is telling me to go down.  This is the best part, she 
leaves, goes out of sight and I don't move. 
 One of the others tries to entice me to play but I just lay here and ignore him.  I 
am very comfortable and here comes Mom with a smile on her face.  Now we can go play 
and visit with all my friends.  After all, they did come to see me.

Sherman Coffin

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