Please, it is necessary for the Berner-L List Processor that we use that everyone post in "Plain Text". If you are an AOL user with AOL 7.0 or later, that means that you have to go to in order to post to the Berner-L. If you don't, two things will happen. First, the message will appear to many list members as you see below. Second, you will make me annoyed. I hate being annoyed!

If you are on any other email system, then you will have to find out how to set your options to "plain text" on your own. If you know how, and would like to share that with me - I'd appreciate it, and I'll keep a file to help others in the future.

Thank you all in advance for your cooperation!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berner-L Co-Owner
Berwyn PA


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*         ---REMAINDER OF MESSAGE TRUNCATED---            *
*     This post contains a forbidden message format       *
*  (such as an attached file, a v-card, HTML formatting)  *
*    Mail Lists at Prairienet only accept PLAIN TEXT    *
* If your postings display this message your mail program *
* is not set to send PLAIN TEXT ONLY and needs adjusting  *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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