This is a working breed, your dog needs a job. (Other than the 
excavating/landscaping job she has already assigned herself!) Many Berners 
and other working breeds get bored and restless w/out a job to do. She really 
needs to use her mind and her body, and if you dont help her find an outlet 
for that need, she will cleverly figure it out herself.

Get her much more excercise, both mental and physical: take her for long 
walks (daily if possible, or at least a few times a week) to big areas where 
she can safely run free and tire herself out, as they say "a tired dog is a 
good dog." Teach her to fetch for fun.   Sign her up for classes to use her 
mind, for example, obedience lessons, agility, tracking, carting, even a 
"teaching tricks" type of class.....or all of the above. Clicker training, it 
is available in your area, is one of the best ways to get a dog to use her 

You can also try redirecting her digging to her own place, like a sandbox or 
certain corner of the yard that is "hers" and where it is ok for her to dig. 
Bury toys/bones/treats just under the surface there and  gently redirect her 
to that area if she starts excavating other places.

Good luck!

Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CGC
and now Brew/Bruin

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