My dogs are all fed at one time, but in different areas.  They all have the
habit of laying down to eat and their bowls are on the floor.  They share
one big water bowl.

The funny thing to me:  Freckles the little BARC rescue does not always
finish his food.  I guess he is over worrying about starving, as he used to
be a chow hound big time.  But, he does run and grab bowls the second one of
my other dogs is done and bring it over to where he is eating.  Then he
licks the inside.  If he is lucky there may be something left stuck to the
side.  Oh, he always picks up the bowls from the far side.  He reaches over
the top of the bowl and gets the far side in his mouth and tries to carry
them fairly level so if there are scraps left inside they don't fall out.

Very smart boy...

There are times when I am distracted by something while they eat.  I will
find all of their food bowls gathered on the couch with Freck laying in the
middle of them proud as can be.

Whatever you feed and however you feed it, meals should be a relaxing,
enjoyable time for you and your dog.

jane heggen & the boys of iowa

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