One thing that can help with the jumping behavior, is to teach sit, and
down.  Also, shake hands etc.  The more behaviors that the puppy can be told
to do, the better.  And, if you are sitting, you can't be jumping etc.

Also, go down to puppies level.  Puppies jump up to gain attention.  If you
are at the level of the puppy, they do not need to jump up to you.

For the biting, continue to offer them a "legal" thing to chew on.  When
they bite you, simply, calmly say no, and then give them something that they
can chew.

This will go away with time.  You don't find adult dogs biting there owners!
So, it is a self limiting behavior, but you may not want him/her to continue
to bit for months!

Be consistent.  No puppy will learn anything overnight.  They need A LOT of
persistent reinforcement.  You have to be patient.  You are dealing with "a

Don't expect over-night results.

And, take LOTS of pictures!  They don't stay little long enough :)


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

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