Hello there experienced, veteran L'ers. This is my first time being
raised by a Berner and I was wondering a few things about my Berner who
is now a 7 month old male and still intact until next Friday.

At what age . .  will he finally get his adult ears? The rest of the fur
on his body changed from that soft, fluffy puppy fur to his dark and
shiney "big boy fur" but his ears are still the puppy fur which gives
him that muffin head look.

Also, at what age . .  will the strength of his bladder be enough to
keep him from peeing for about 9 full hours. I think his bladder is
large enough but for some reason he more often then not can't hold it
for a full work day. I'm hoping it's not that he is doing it out of
spite for being home all day. His 10 yr old Choc. Lab sister is slightly
smaller in size then he is and she has no problem holding it for quite a
few more hours then my Berner boy.  I keep Jack, the Berner and Arabia,
the Lab confined to the kitchen/dining room all day with toys and bones
to occupy them but I come home to presents left by him almost every day.
It doesn't even matter to him if I put him in his crate, he'll go anyway
which then means a bath when we get home every day. On a similar note,
we had him trained to ring a bell when he had to go out but it seems
that since we moved to a new house about 3 weeks ago he forgot how to do
that. He will sometimes pee in the house without giving us any
indication he has to go even if there is a door open and he can just
walk right outside to pee if he wants.

At what age . . . will he have all of his teeth in? He doesn't chew on
our hands as much as he used to but he still tries once in a while.

And finally, this one really bugs my husband, at what age . . will he
start to lift his leg up to pee like a man instead of barely squatting
like a girl? (I guess It's a guy thing).

He is our first Berner so we don't always know what to expect. He does
try our patience on occasion but we love him to death and couldn't
imagine life without him and our Lab.

Your responses will be appreciated.

Maria, Mark, Arabia, and Jack
Ringwood, NJ

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