I think some dogs simply enjoy the activity of digging whilst others don't.
It has nothing to do with being bored or wanting to be naughty. Of my four
dogs, past and present, only my current youngster is an enthusiastic digger.
He'll dig anywhere, to bury his "treasures", to dig himself a hole, or
sometimes just for the heck of it.

I am very bad when it comes to correcting it, primarily because I really
don't care about my garden, it's my dogs play area and they can do what they
like. However, other peoples garden is another matter. The only thing I can
advise you to do is to "bribe" Hudson with a "macho" stick" or something she
enjoys chewing and which she'll find completely absorbing. Then she MIGHT

OR the other thing you can do is to watch her like a hawk whilst she is
visiting somebody and warn the hosts that she is very partial to digging.

Good luck!

Michaela, Harvey & Rups ( fellow digger)

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