My built-in kitchen table is at the exact width and height such that Doppo,
my 11 month old BMD can stand under it, lean his head back to lick what's on
my dish on one side, while simultaneously swiping the other side of the
table clean of dishes, cereal, etc. Add the bump and you'll see why we're
all considering wearing special protection garments while eating.

At lunchtime, though, he will just lie under the dinner/lunch table on the
porch, spread out in such a way that none of the members of the family can
(a) sit close to each other (b) close to the food or (c) at any angle that
is comfortable.
By the way, how do you MOVE a berner who's decided to stay put be propped up
and carried? Dog biscuits don't do it anymore, neither does bread or cake,
and I really don't have a fresh supply of liver lying around at all times.
(Nor do I wish to have gucky fingers, when, say, leaving for work and find
doppo blocking the doorway so that I can't close the house and leave.
Simone de Lima
Brasilia Brazil

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