When my Kellu (1995-2001) was a puppy she had to wear a plastic splint on
her tail for 5 weeks (long story ....).  She was so good about it, never
once tried to chew on the splint.  But oh my! that thing was a lethal weapon
when she got waggin'.  My shins were black and blue for weeks!!

Kellu was always exceptionally proud of her tail -- she didn't really
appreciate it being groomed by me, she took care of that job quite well all
by herself thank you.  She always had it looking a perfect plume.  And she
was a hoot in the water -- her tail was NEVER allowed to get wet!!!  She'd
play all day in water all the time with her precious tail held straight up
high and dry.  Even when swimming, the tail was always dry!!!

bless her heart ........

sue(Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn)
missing our angels Kellu & Talon always

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