Hi all,

Re' diet for decreasing arthritis symptoms...
It is quite well known that any foods in the "nightshade" family are
considered one of the
irritating or allergy response foods, that aggravates arthritis.
This is re' arthritis in humans, I am not sure if the same would hold true
for dogs whose
disgestive system is much faster.
I think these foods may me be more irritating to rhuematoid types
(inflammatory) than
the osteo' arthritis.
That would include peppers as Rose mentioned, white potatoes (not sweet?)
and eggplant.
Chocolate, caffiene, alcohol, dairy, red meat, wheat, starchy veggies and
there are others
but those are the main ones that I can recall.
Yes I remember pineapple is good for reducing inflammation, cayenne peppers
is said
to help with circulation to the joints, some people swear by Noni juice as
being a benefit
and I am sure there are many other homeopathics that are good too.

Joan and Sophia

 War does not determine who is right....war determines who is left.

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