Hi Susan

Could be something sinister but could be something silly as her
climbing/jumping out of the car awkwardly. Or taking a corner to sharply..

A couple of days ago, one of my friend's Berners woke up like that; the
night before he had been totally fine. Roached back, didn't want to eat,
couldn't get in the car unaided. The vet gave him a steroid injection, some
antibiotics - and the next day he ( in fact 8 hours later )  he was fine and
dandy again. He still is. My friend still doesn't know what happened, but is
happy that it passed so quickly.

Similarly, Harvey had a "roached back & tip toeing" episode a few month ago.
He screamed in agony when he jumped in the car. Again, I had no idea what
brought this on.  A couple of days of rest and a couple of painkillers later
he was perfectly fine again. I, on the other hand, got another few grey
hairs thanks to my active imagination of bone cancers, permanent disk damage
and similar "nasties".

Try a couple of buffered aspirins and a day or two of resting her. Chances
are high that she'll be just dandy. You, meanwhile, should stock up on hair
colorant! Buy lots if you plan you keep Berners.

Hugs to the  furries!

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert

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