Hi All,
I'm learning to type so that I could clue in my puppy pals on
the Berner-l about my humans and their house.  
This house has these things called stairs. They are at doorways
and they have gates. Stairs go up and down but I'm not allowed
to go down and for up I only get to try two steps. Then, my
humans carry me. That's okay with me because getting carried is
an especially good opportunity to taste ears and beards and
nibble noses and give them a chance to smell my puppy breath.
(Have you noticed how humans make a big deal about cuddling?)
Mom wears these dangly things from her ears and they are always
good for a nice yank. She squeaks even better than my toy hippo.

Now listen up. This is really important. Have you heard of this
place called the KITCHEN? WOW! Its the next best thing to a 
dead fish! When you move to your new house figure out where the
kitchen is right away. In kitchens great stuff falls right out
of the air! Mom and Dad stand and make these chop, chop noises.
When they do that carrots, bread, cheese, nuts, apples and all
kinds of good things drop onto the floor. Last week I got a
piece of really stinky Parmesan cheese. (Not as good as Swiss
but it will do.) The best place to position yourself is right on
Mom's foot. It took me a few days to figure this out but now I
know what to do. When stuff hits the floor I catch it and run
really, really fast to my special place where I can take my time
tasting, smelling and poking it to see if it will escape. If it
tastes good, I eat it. But be careful because not everything is
yummy. Yesterday, I got some lettuce. BLECH! If you ever catch
lettuce spit it out fast!

One other bit of important information: its critical to
understand the sound "NO!". Its the most frequent noise humans
make and they seem to think it is important. If they make the NO
sound it might be because of something you are doing. -- Test
several times to be sure. The louder the sound the more likely
it is that you are doing something to make it happen. In my
experiments, NO has consistently proven to mean that I am doing
something that the humans notice. 
Well, gotta run. I have to pee and Mom and Dad make such a big
deal about this that its a special event. Its so funny - if I
wait until we are outside they run and jump around squealing
"Good Boy!" I hold it just to watch them act goofy. AND I get
treats for peeing outside -- are these humans weird or what?

- Best regards from your pal,
Gelli the Bernese Mountain Dog.

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