So after my lengthy email about putting the dogs in the kitchen, I went to the gym this morning and the boys were here with their dad. He decided to run an errand and I guess he figured they'd be OK for the short bit of time until I was back from the gym. So I walked in to be greeted by two very enthusiastic boys who were happy to show me the hole they chewed in the entryway rug! "Look Mom! Happy Birthday! Isn't it great! Man, what a tasty rug! Thanks!" Greeeeeaaaat, guys. Happy Birthday to me. A hole in my new rug. Lovely. And all around the rug on the floor are toys and more toys and even a rag towel they are allowed to chew on.

I am just shaking my head.

Andie Reid and the waaay too optimistic Phillip and the two very bad dogs Tugboat and Steamboat
Wilmington, NC

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