Hi Cindy,

My little guy (9 months old, today) loves to be out on the deck in the
evenings all by himself. It's cooler out there then in the house so we
think that is why. During the day he prefers to be in the house but from
sun down on he wants out. He still checks to make sure we are OK in the
house without him but he's not afraid to be out alone. Our deck looks
out over a lake across the street and he is content to just "survey his
kingdom" like the king he thinks he is. When he is inside at night he
likes to lay on the cool bathroom tile floor, again alone. I don't mean
to sound like he doesn't like to be around us, heck most of the time he
is following us around and won't let us out of his sight but he is a
very independent little guy and shows not one bit of insecurity. Hope
this helps.

Maria and Jack
Ringwood, NJ

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