A friend bought a puppy last Sunday at 6 weeks of age from a Petstore. I
know, I know. We can go into why she bought it there later.
The pup is in the hospital on IV. Not sure how they check for Parvo. She
mentioned something of 6 is normal, but the pup has a 3. Condition is fair
to guarded. If she makes it through the night, she should be ok (hopefully)

How are the changes of a full recovery?
What about long term effects?
Any diet help?

Anything she can do, so the Petstore has to disclose about the Parvo?
The vet thinks she got it from the Petstore, because incubationtime is 7
Can she require her money back for the pup?
They gave her some $300 medical something. Need to see if I can get a hold
of the paperwork.

Anyone dealt with this?


Sylvia Katvala
Tucson, AZ
(Don't like petstores and wish they were closed)

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