My 13 month old neutered boy Porter is giving me more
gray hairs these days.  Porter has a very large fenced
area behind the house, which he absolutely loves. 
But, the problem is when he either escapes from the
house (6 year old niece left the door open) or escapes
from his yard (2 sets of gates - hubby didn't notice
one was open) he literally takes off at FULL SPEED and
doesn't respond to any command or bribery.  Saturday
night it took us almost an hour to corral him!  His
little brother Kief (7.5 month old neutered GSD) is
nothing like this.  He will lay on the deck (not in
the yard) and will only take off when following
Porter!!  But, the main difference being is Kief
listens.  Porter knows "come" and will respond with
very little hesitation in his yard or in the house or
when we are on our off leash runs together in the
fields, but when he escapes! .... He gets daily off
leash runs through the back fields with us and
responds well to most commands. It really worries me
because when he escapes he likes to go to the front
field nearest the busy road!  When we do catch him
he's immediately put on the leash (for his safety) and
either brought into the house or put in his yard.  He
will not follow us (like he does on his regular field
runs) or listen whatsoever, forms of bribery don't
work!  Help please!  We always do our best to make
sure he doesn't escape when doors are opened etc., but
it has happened and I'm sure it will happen again and
I'd like to know if anyone has any suggestions on how
to tame this wild behaviour.  


Jennifer Martyn
Conn, Ontario, Canada

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