I am very pleased to hear that the BMDCA is looking at another location
for the 2005. My thanks to those who have done so much work at finding a
site that is acceptable. Being part of the 2004 hotel search committee I
can appreciate the work involved
Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

On Mon, 09 Jun 2003 23:11:08 -0400 Tom Jaskiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear Berner-l,
> The 2005 BMDCA National Specialty Committee is currently negotiating 
> a
> contract with a hotel which is NOT in Lancaster County.  When that 
> contract
> is signed I hope they will extend the courtesy of announcing the 
> date and
> location to the BMDCA membership for long term planning purposes.
> In the meantime I respectfully ask that this hard working group of
> volunteers be allowed to focus on the huge job they volunteered to 
> do on
> behalf of the entire Berner community.  Volunteers are the very 
> foundation
> and support of the BMDCA.  Please take a moment and ask how you 
> would wish
> to be treated if and when you volunteer for any project, Berner or 
> otherwise.
> Many heated messages have been exchanged in the last few days on all 
> sides
> of the specialty location issue. Many feelings have been hurt.  The 
> reason
> for these exchanges is now gone.  Please, now is the time for 
> healing,
> pulling together and offering a helping hand so each and every 
> National Specialty can be an educational and rewarding celebration 
> of
> Bernese Mt Dogs for all who have the good fortune to attend.
> Sincerely,
> Alison Jaskiewicz
> Mason NH

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