On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 08:51:00 -0700 (PDT) Rita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Our baby girl, Jewel just turned two on June 1 and she's scheduled
> tomorrow for OFA xrays. I understand her breeder wants to evaluate
> her breeding decisions and I support the open sharing of knowledge.
> But as a pet owner, what does this information mean to me? In the
> absence of symptoms, what guidelines should I use to determine how 
> to
> limit (or increase) her activities based on the OFA ratings? Should 
> I
> use these ratings to decide the necessity of supplimenting her diet
> with glucosamine? 

Rita and Tim
having your pet pup xrayed for OFA tells you much. If Jewel were to not
be clear and asymptomatic you would know that keeping her weight down and
encouraging moderate routine exercise should help to lengthen her quality
of life. Yes a glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate supplement is not a bad
idea either. While nothing may absolutely eliminate arthrosis doing what
you can to minimize it is always a good idea. Of course each dog will
progress in an individual manner so to say what is moderate exercise is
based upon the individual dog's comfort zone. I have seen pet owners who
have not xrayed their dogs and it isn't until the dog is older and quite
arthritic that they discover the problem. Many times comfort could have
been maintained had they been able to take earlier precautions.

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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