I have taken part of all your post on Neutrosol, read the articles.

Sometimes the hormone progesteron are given in injections under the skin on
the back to males with testosterone-problems: aggressiveness, prostatit et
cetera. I do not know if it also means the males get sterile for some weeks
or months?
Sometimes these injections are used to see if the dog will change behavior
and if surgical neutering would be one idea to try later on. Pups are not
neutered/spayed at 8 weeks, we do not yet have the problem of too many pups
being born - very often the opposite instead.

My Vincent got an atrophy of one of the testicles two years ago. We was
scared it could be something malignant so he was castrated through surgery.
Giving hormones or perhaps Neutrosol will always make you worried if these
"products" will end up in cancer in some years.
Going through surgical neutering would be the best choice if it is done at a
good clinic. I left Vincent in the morning and he came home in the
afternoon. The stiches was taken 8 days later.
Margareta Strand

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