our first canine cooler, bought a little over two years ago, came without instructions (which you wouldn't think are that necessary, i mean you just put water in it, right?) - it quickly sprung leaks that we duct taped closed. then baka, who was still teething on those last molars, chewed off the cap. so that one was dead.

i'd heard such good things about the canine coolers though, that i had to try another. this one, just purchased a year ago, is much more study. it came with instructions on how to fill it, maintain it & make sure i don't have air trapped in it that can help create leaks. so far its working well & hasn't leaked at all, nor been chewed on this time.

baka's cooling down from her nightly walk on it right now.
so, we like ours very much.

laura & baka
chapel hill, nc

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